The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Central University of Science and Technology (CUST). As the University’s fiduciary, the board is responsible for CUST’s long term wellbeing, overseeing and aligning its strategic direction, education policy, finances and operations with the mission of the university. The registered board oversees the CUST and any concern(s) under the umbrella of the CUST / CUST Trust.
This website is intended to provide information about the Board of Trustees to members of the Central University of Science and Technology (CUST).
You may contact the board at the following e-mail address:

Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees of CUST

Since the ‘CUST Trust’ is the custodian of The Central University of Science & Technology, accordingly, further to its power identified in the ‘Deed of Trust’, the CUST Trustee Board is also responsible to undertake following tasks as prescribed under The
Private University Act 2010:

That, the determination of common seal of the University and custody of it as well as usage thereof.

  • Approval of various important activities, committees and commissions of the University.
  • Transmissions of the statutory laws and rules of the University as well as the Employees.
  • To ascertain financing of the Central University of Science & Technology (CUST).
  • To approve proposals relating to appointment, tuition fee of the learners and creation of provision of teachers and employees including determination of the terms and conditions as well as the duties and responsibilities of the said created provisions.
  • To take steps for management approval and close observation of the Annual Audit report of Accounts of the University.
  • To approve Annual working plan and budget recommended by the syndicate.
  • To arrange meeting of the teachers, students, guardians, alumni and concerned other persons of the University to exchange views at last once a year in order to remove the various drawbacks of the said University aiming at establishing good governance.
  • To submit the proposal for the appointment of Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Treasurer of the CUST.
  • To approve the annual report prepared by syndicate and transmission to the Chancellor.
  • As being the top-management body of the CUST, the BoT would guide the other management bodies of the University through a defined governance and regulatory control mechanism.
  • The BoT would be the Author and the conductor of the statute of the Central University of Science & Technology (CUST) and the BoT may amend and revise the statute time to time.