
  1. The total performance of a student in a given course will be based on:
    • Continuous assessment (attendance, quizzes, class tests, assignments etc.).
    • Midterm examination.
    • Semester final examination.
    • Clearance examination (for clearance of carry/uncleared/backlogged courses), if any.
    • Improvement examination, if any.
  2. The continuous assessment and the midterm/semester final examination will form the normal or regular examination system while the clearance examination and the improvement examination will provide additional opportunities to students with poor or unsatisfactory performance as per rules.
  3. The distribution of marks between the continuous assessment and the mid/semester final examination will be as follows:

Mark Distribution Policy: Theory

Class Participation/Observations/Performance – 5%

Class Attendance – 10%

Homework Assignment and Class Test – 15%

Midterm Examination – 30%

Semester Final Examination – 40%

Mark Distribution Policy: Sessional

LAB Participation/Observations/Performance – 10%

LAB Attendance – 10%

LAB Report -20%

LAB Project -20%

LAB Quizzes – 20%

LAB Viva – 20%

Mark Distribution Policy: Industrial Attachment/Thesis/Project

Respective faculty will decide.

The number of quizzes and/or assignments and/or class tests in a course of study shall not exceed n+1, where n is the number of credits of the course. Evaluation of the performance will be on the basis of the best n quizzes and/or assignments and/or class tests.

Course Exemption Policy

Exemption of Courses for Undergraduates:

Students with extensive academic or professional experience may apply to waive courses by completing a ‘Request for Course Waiver’ form. This form should be submitted to the Coordinator of the Program/ Head of the Dept./ Dean of the Faculty with the relevant academic transcripts or evidence of an appropriate certification.

Students having completed any Bachelor’s degree course from recognized university are eligible for waiver provided that they obtained at least a ‘B’ grade or over 50 percent marks in that specific course. Waivers are given on foundation courses only. A course waiver requires approval from the Equivalence Committee of CUSTand panel decision will be considered as final.

Waivered credits and grades are not included in calculating the GPA/CGPA at CUST. They will be considered as ungraded with a “Waiver Remarks”.

Exemption of Courses for Diploma Holders:

Students with extensive academic or professional experience may apply to waive courses by completing a ‘Request for Course Waiver’ form. This form should be submitted to the Coordinator of the Program/ Head of the Dept./ Dean of the Faculty with the relevant academic transcripts or evidence of an appropriate certification.

CUST does not encourage course waiver for diploma holders however, Maximum 15 credits could be exempted because of the candidates completion of 4 years Diploma in Engineering backgrounds after 10 years of schooling.

Students having completed any Diploma from recognized institutions are eligible for waiver provided that they obtained at least a ‘B’ grade or over 50 percent marks in that specific course. A course waiver requires approval from the Equivalence Committee of CUST and panel decision will be considered as final.

Waivered credits and grades are not included in calculating the GPA/CGPA at CUST. They will be considered as ungraded with a “Waiver Remarks”.

Computation of CGPA: Below is an example of how CGPA is computed. Suppose that an undergraduate student of School of Engineering & Civilization Planning takes Introduction to computer science, Mathematics I, Physics I, Physics Lab I, English I in his/her first semester. Each of these courses carries three or one credits. Suppose that he/she receives the following grades in those classes.

Course Grade Credits Grade Points
Introduction to computer science A+ 3 4.00 X 3 = 12.00
Mathematics I A 3 3.75 X 3 = 11.25
Physics I A+ 3 4.00 X 3 = 12.00
Physics Lab I A- 1 3.50 X 1 =   3.50
English I A 3 3.75 X 3 = 11.25
Total 13                   50.00

Therefore, the SGPA in the first semester of the student (50.00/13) = 3.85

Same way the SGPA in the 2nd semester of the student (55.00/14) = 3.93

Accordingly, the CGPA of the students at the end of the second semester (50.00 + 55.00)/ (13 + 14) = 3.89. For the consecutive semesters, the CGPA will be calculated following the above technique.