
The Center for Undergraduate & Post Graduate Studies of CUST is determined to strive for, and help maintain, academic excellence and skill development through teaching of shared subjects, promotion of research, organization of seminar/symposium/workshop, establishment of industrial linkage and community services as applicable for the disciplines offered at the under-graduate and graduate level. As such this center plays a pivotal collaborative role in making the programs offered by CUST a success through coordination with different schools and ensuring the quality of education of the programs offered by this center.


To achieve the aim, this Center has two dimensional objectives namely the ‘Objectives for Academic Orientation’ and ‘Objectives for Industrial Orientation’.

Objectives for Academic Orientation


  1. Offer various foundation courses like Bangla, English, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Research Methods, and Sociology etc.
  2. Promote and stimulate research by the students and staff, the results of which could be utilized in teaching and for stakeholder use.
  3. Coordinate with different schools of CUST to establish a mutually-benefitting inter-school structure that will enhance the achievement of academic excellence.
  4. Introduce effective teaching methods based on active student participation, team work and self-directed learning.
  5. Initiate regular curriculum development and review in response to changing needs and evolving demands of business and industry.
  6. Establish and encourage links nationally, regionally and internationally in order to enhance cooperation in teaching and research.
  7. Serves as host institution to scholars from overseas engaged in research in joint collaboration with CUST.

Objectives for Academic Orientation

1. Establish linkages with business and industries for the successful conduct of “Industrial Attachment”.

2. Establish and maintain ‘Work Place Learning Center’ in different industries as per the requirement of the CUST.

3. Getting feedback from the concerned industries with a view to updating the curricula for the subsequent courses.

4. Reception of results of industrial attachment and furnishing the same to the ‘Controller of Examination’

5. Take any other action required to facilitate meaningful industrial attachment.