Department of Computer Science and Engineering

B.Sc in CSE

CSE, Fall Semester 2024 (Diploma) (Regular)

CSE, Spring Semester 2022 (1&2 Regular) (1&2 Diploma) (4 Diploma) (5 Diploma) (9 Diploma)

CSE, Fall Semester 2022 (1&2 Regular) (1&2 Diploma) (3 Regular) (4 Regular) (4 Diploma) (5 Regular) (5 Diploma) (8 Regular) (9 Regular) (9 Diploma)

CSE, Spring Semester 2022 (1&2 Regular) (1&2 Diploma) (4 Regular) (4 Diploma) (5 Regular) (5 Diploma) (8 Regular) (8 Diploma)

CSE, Fall Semester 2021 (1&2 Regular) (3 Regular) (4 Regular)

CSE, Fall Semester 2020 (5 Regular)

CSE (Online), Fall Semester 2021 (1&2 Diploma) (4 Diploma) (4 Regular) (3 Regular)

CSE (Online), Spring Semester 2021 (1&2 Regular) (5 Diploma)

CSE (Online), Fall Semester 2020 (1&2 Diploma) (3&4 Regular) (4 Diploma) (1&2 Regular) (5 Regular)

CSE (Online), Spring Semester 2020 (1&2 Regular) (1&2 Diploma) (3 Regular) (4 Regular) (4 Diploma)

CSE, Spring Semester 2020 (1&2 Regular) (1&2 Diploma) (4 Regular) (4 Diploma)

CSE, Fall Semester 2019 (3 Regular) (3 Diploma)

CSE, Spring Semester 2019 (2 Regular) (2 Diploma)

CSE, Fall Semester 2018 (1 Regular) (1 Diploma)

Department of Business Administration


BBA, Fall Semester 2024 (Details)

BBA, Fall Semester 2022 (Batch 2) (Batch 3) (Batch 4) (Batch 5 – Spring 2022) (Batch 7) (Batch 8) (Batch 9)

BBA, Spring Semester 2022 (Batch 1) (Batch 2) (Batch 3) (Batch 4) (Batch 5 – Fall 2021) (Batch 7) (Batch 8)

BBA, Fall Semester 2021 (Batch 1) (Batch 2) (Batch 3) (Batch 4) (Batch 5) (Batch 7)

BBA (Online), Fall Semester 2021 (Batch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Spring 2021 & 7)

BBA (Online), Spring Semester 2021 (Batch 1) (Batch 2) (Batch 3) (Batch 4) (Batch 5)

BBA (Online), Fall Semester 2020 (Batch 1&2) (Batch 3&4)

BBA (Online), Spring Semester 2020 (Batch 1, 2, 3 & 4)

BBA, Spring Semester 2020 (Batch 2) (Batch 3) (Batch 4)

BBA, Fall Semester 2019 (Batch 1) (Batch 2) (Batch 3)

BBA, Spring Semester 2019 (Batch 1) (Batch 2)

BBA, Batch-1 Fall Semester 2018 Details


MBA, Fall Semester 2022 (Batch 9)

MBA, Spring Semester 2022 (Batch 8)

MBA, Fall Semester 2021 (Batch 4&5) (Batch 7)

MBA, Spring Semester 2021 (Batch 4) (Batch 5 – For HRM)

MBA, Fall Semester 2020 (Batch 4) (Batch 5)

MBA (Online), Spring Semester 2020 (Batch 1) (Batch 4) (Batch 1&2 Major: HRM)

MBA, Fall Semester 2019 (Batch 2 For AIS – For HRM) (Batch 3)

MBA, Spring Semester 2019 (Batch 1) (Batch 2)

MBA, Fall Semester 2018 (Batch 1)