Message From Chairman
Kazi Aklima
MSC, Jagannath University, Bangladesh
BSC, Jagannath University, Bangladesh
We welcome you on behalf of the faculty members, staffs, and students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Central University of Science & Technology (CUST). These are exciting times for computer engineers as the discipline is now widely recognized as an essential source of tools and techniques for advancements in nearly all spheres of human endeavors.
Our CSE at CUST is industry-oriented and student-centered Department. We have Workplace Learning Center (WPLC) at the counterpart industries where Industrial Professorial Fellows (IPF) and industry experts are imparting knowledge to the students. Our department continuously works on improving our curricula to better meet the needs of today’s students and employers. Many of our courses have laboratory components that enrich the students’ learning experience by allowing them to be exposed to theory and practice. We strive to provide our students with an outstanding educational experience that prepares them for the highest personal and professional achievements.
We welcome you to browse through the Departmental page. Whether you are a student, a parent, stakeholder, an employer, or a colleague, we want to hear from you. Your comments and suggestions will help us move to the next level and provide us with encouragement to maintain excellence.
I hope that you find the information on our website useful and that it encourages you to apply to study Computer Science here at CUST. As you embark upon your University career, we in Computer Science would like to wish you well in your future studies.
Presently, the Department offers a program namely Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
Thank you for visiting our website. I encourage you to visit us in person. We look forward to you joining the exciting field of computer science and engineering at CUST.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Central University of Science & Technology