Grade Grade Points Numerical Marking
A+ 4.00 80% and above
A 3.75 75% to less than 80%
A- 3.50 70% to less than 75%
B+ 3.25 65% to less than 70%
B 3.00 60% to less than 65%
B- 2.75 55% to less than 60%
C+ 2.50 50% to less than 55%
C 2.25 45% to less than 50%
D 2.00 40% to less than 45%
F 0.00 Below 40%
I Incomplete
W Official Withdrawn
UW Unofficial Withdrawn
X Project/Thesis/Industrial Attachment continuation


  1. If any grade of project and thesis of a student is not available in time due to any genuine reason, the student may apply to the Head of the Department for continuation in the subsequent semester within a week after the result. In this case, the student may be marked with a letter grade ‘X’ against the course in the tabulation sheet/grade card.
  2. If a student is unable to attend the classes of a semester due to serious illness or serious accident, or financial/personal reasons, he/she may apply through the Head of the Department for withdrawal from the semester of a course/courses before the classes of the semester starts. Otherwise, he/she will have to pay the semester fees and will be declared to have failed in the subject(s). However, he/she can come back within four weeks of the start of the class and take admission for the semester, subject to the availability of seats.