1st Academic Council of CUST was held
The 1st Academic Council of Central University of Science & Technology (CUST) was held on 18 January 2020 at the Conference of CUST, Mirpur-14, Dhaka. CUST Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Md. Monjur Hossain Chaired the meeting in attendance of Gazi M A Salam, Chairman of Board of Trustees, CUST.
The meeting cleared several issues including Academic Rules & Regulations, Curriculum of different departments and some other agenda.
Among others, Prof. Dr. Tofail Ahmed Chowdhury, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Dhaka, Mr. Zahidul Hasan Mitul, MD, Business Automation Ltd.. CUST Treasurer (Acting) Mr. Firoze A. Akhtar, Dean of SBID Prof. Dr. Khandokar Shafayet Hossain, Chairman of different dept. and Registrar(Acting) Dr. Par Mosiur Rahman were present at the meeting.